Pond Farm Studio HSR & HALS

Location: Armstrong Redwood Forest State Reserve, Guerneville

Project Type:

Within the upper elevations of oak grassland within Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve, a Bauhaus-style artist community established their home in the 1940s. Here, master potter Marguerite Wildenhain made her home and studio, continuing to reside here for decades following the community’s unraveling.

In the first of two projects at Pond Farm Studio, PGAdesign prepared the cultural landscape component for the Historic Structures Report (HSR). Field investigations were undertaken and an inventory of landscape features prepared. PGAdesign prepared the landscape analysis and evaluation sections of the HSR and the exhibits identifying character-defining features.

The second project, completed more than a decade later, included measured drawings of the property for the Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS). Perspective views capture the character of the signature entry, studio, house, and gardens.


Location: Armstrong Redwood Forest State Reserve, Guerneville

Project Type: Historic

Within the upper elevations of oak grassland within Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve, a Bauhaus-style artist community established their home in the 1940s. Here, master potter Marguerite Wildenhain made her home and studio, continuing to reside here for decades following the community’s unraveling.

In the first of two projects at Pond Farm Studio, PGAdesign prepared the cultural landscape component for the Historic Structures Report (HSR). Field investigations were undertaken and an inventory of landscape features prepared. PGAdesign prepared the landscape analysis and evaluation sections of the HSR and the exhibits identifying character-defining features.

The second project, completed more than a decade later, included measured drawings of the property for the Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS). Perspective views capture the character of the signature entry, studio, house, and gardens.

