Dublin/Pleasanton BART Transit Village
Location: Dublin
PGAdesign’s work at the East Dublin BART station continued Bay Area efforts to create transit villages that reduce auto travel by providing community services, retail, and housing within walking distance of rapid transit.
PGAdesign devised a landscape design for the plaza linking the station to the village and parking garage. The design adds pedestrian-scaled lighting and paving patterns, and an arch framed by lighted glass-block columns that serves as a pedestrian gateway to the station itself. Open sight lines ensure safety by allowing pedestrians to quickly orient themselves, a move consistent with Crime prevention through environment design (CPTED).

Location: Dublin
Project Type:
PGAdesign’s work at the East Dublin BART station continued Bay Area efforts to create transit villages that reduce auto travel by providing community services, retail, and housing within walking distance of rapid transit.
PGAdesign devised a landscape design for the plaza linking the station to the village and parking garage. The design adds pedestrian-scaled lighting and paving patterns, and an arch framed by lighted glass-block columns that serves as a pedestrian gateway to the station itself. Open sight lines ensure safety by allowing pedestrians to quickly orient themselves, a move consistent with Crime prevention through environment design (CPTED).