Pioneer Cemetery Master Plan
Location: Pleasanton
Size: 9 acres
Partners: CPRA Studio
PGAdesign teamed with Denver-based CPRA Studio to envision how to extend the useful life of the City of Pleasanton’s Pioneer Cemetery. Founded in 1850 as a non-endowment burial place, the cemetery was managed by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) until 2007, at which time the City of Pleasanton assumed ownership and responsibility for improving this important but neglected cultural resource in Alameda County.
Foremost, PGAdesign and CPRA prepared a master plan showing how and where to add space for new burial plots in the undeveloped portion of the cemetery. The design team also developed innovative approaches for creating new burial spaces within the historic portions of the cemetery. The master plan also included a business plan, a maintenance plan with short and long-range improvements, and a phased construction cost estimate.

Location: Pleasanton
Project Type:
Size: 9 acres
PGAdesign teamed with Denver-based CPRA Studio to envision how to extend the useful life of the City of Pleasanton’s Pioneer Cemetery. Founded in 1850 as a non-endowment burial place, the cemetery was managed by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) until 2007, at which time the City of Pleasanton assumed ownership and responsibility for improving this important but neglected cultural resource in Alameda County.
Foremost, PGAdesign and CPRA prepared a master plan showing how and where to add space for new burial plots in the undeveloped portion of the cemetery. The design team also developed innovative approaches for creating new burial spaces within the historic portions of the cemetery. The master plan also included a business plan, a maintenance plan with short and long-range improvements, and a phased construction cost estimate.