Grace Mitchell Tada

What do you do at PGAdesign? 

I work with the principals developing proposals in pursuit of new projects. I also participate in current projects, usually in a writing capacity.

Where did you go to school?

I earned a BA in Art History from Davidson College in North Carolina, and a Master in Landscape Architecture from UC Berkeley.

What is your favorite landscape space and why?

Of built spaces, I’ll always have a soft spot for the grand nineteenth-century parks like Prospect Park in Brooklyn and Parc des Buttes-Chaumont in Paris, for being such important social hubs for so many people—and outsized parts of my life when I lived adjacent to them. Natural spaces: anywhere along the Puget Sound or Salish Sea in Washington; I have an overwhelming place attachment to those landscapes.

What’s your favorite hiking trail?

In my everyday life, perhaps Claremont Canyon, not far from where I live. I try to hike up it a couple times each week—the view from the top is a consistent reminder of what an astonishing place the Bay Area is.

What’s your favorite urban spot?

One of my favorite places is the Promenade Plantée in Paris, a linear path cutting through the 12th arrondissement. It’s like a cocoon of plants and tunnels and buildings and people.

What was your favorite book you’ve read lately?

Especially during the pandemic, I’ve been drawn to books that have a strong sense of (faraway!) place. Recently Teju Cole’s Open City and Garth Greenwell’s Cleanness have continued to stay with me for their narrators’ navigation of an adopted place and culture not their own.



