Livermore Downtown Core
As a key player in revitalizing Livermore’s downtown, PGAdesign helped transform extensive on-grade parking into[…]

Oak Knoll Development
For the Oak Knoll housing development, PGAdesign served as the landscape architect of record, transforming[…]

Fruitvale Land Crossing Bay Trail Connection
PGAdesign collaborated with the City of Oakland and BCDC to craft a new waterfront trail[…]

Hesperian Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project
The Hesperian Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project is a complete street project in San Lorenzo, spanning[…]

Walk This Way
PGAdesign worked for the City of Oakland to develop the Underpass Improvement Toolkit, which provides[…]

Oakland Slow Streets
PGAdesign developed over 20 traffic circle and bulb-out plantings along various streets in Oakland. The[…]

MacArthur BART Plaza
PGAdesign served as the design lead for this mixed-used, transit-oriented development adjacent to the MacArthur[…]

Thorton Avenue Interchange Planting
The Thorton Avenue interchange is one of five I-880 freeway interchanges in five cities masterplanned[…]

I-580 Castro Valley Redwood Road Interchange
This highway interchange project reconfigured the existing on- and off-ramps to reduce congestion on Redwood[…]

Alameda County Low Impact Development Demonstration Garden
PGAdesign was hired to re-design the landscape surrounding the Alameda County Public Works Agency building[…]