Category: News

Clover Park Opens and Wins Award
The City of Dublin Public Works Department was awarded the 2021 Public Works Project Award[…]

17th & Broadway is Open
One of our housing projects, 17th & Broadway 33 story multi-family housing project is open[…]

Upcoming Talk about Filoli’s Historic Garden
Cathy Garrett, President of PGAdesign, will give an overview of historic landscape preservation, emerging issues[…]

Welcome Evan & Kari
Landscape Architect Kari Tanaka has joined PGAdesign and looks forward to working on projects in[…]

17th & Broadway Set to Open
17th & Broadway 33 story multi-family housing project is soon to open. Constructed by Lennar[…]

Paseo Estero & Vista Estero Break Ground
A groundbreaking celebration for Paseo Estero and Vista Estero celebrated the two mixed-use housing complexes[…]

Chris Pattillo Contributes to Shaping the American Landscape Book
Chris Pattillo, FASLA and PGAdesign founder has contributed to two published essays featuring the story[…]

Oak Knoll Community Groundbreaking
The 183-acre Oak Knoll community is now being built on the area of the former[…]

Fremont City Council Adopts California Nursery Master Plan
On Tuesday, December 12th, The Freemont City Council voted five to zero in favor of[…]

PGAdesiged Signage Indicates 360º for Waterfront and Kent
PGAdesign, as part of a renovation project with KTVU, has produced its 20th sign for[…]