Pruneyard Office Towers

Located in Silicon Valley’s West Valley, Pruneyard Office Towers sit within the landmark Pruneyard development,[…]

520 El Camino Real

The headquarters of Westlake Urban, a San Mateo landmark that dates to the the 1960s,[…]

2700 Sand Hill Road

PGAdesign redeveloped the Silicon Valley office park landscape of Sand Hill Road, modernizing the 1960s-era[…]

West Hagel Plaza Rehabilitation

When the on-podium waterproofing of the Frank Hagel Social Security Building necessitated retrofitting, PGAdesign was[…]

The Pruneyard Hotel

As part of a large series of upgrades for the 27-acre site of the Pruneyard[…]

San Leandro Tech Campus

The 7.5-acre development in downtown San Leandro, led by Westlake Urban, provides three office buildings,[…]

The Pruneyard

As part of a major renovation to the 27-acre Pruneyard retail complex in Campbell, California,[…]

Oakley Main Street Realignment

PGAdesign redesigned the main street of Oakley to encourage walkability and spur economic investment in[…]

Menlo Park Office Complex Renovations

Located at the epicenter of Silicon Valley, these Menlo Park office developments, built in the[…]

Fruitvale Transit Village

The Fruitvale Transit Village mixed-use urban project enlivens Oakland’s Fruitvale neighborhood with new development and[…]
